Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day One!

My very first yoga teacher training class was last night.  When I left the house I was feeling a little nervous.  This is a big commitment.  What if I can't do it.  I might be too old to start teacher training.  I mean taking yoga classes a couple times a week but teaching yoga is another story.  I showed up anyway, after all I put down a deposit.  There are 10 students in the class, all women.  Apparently this is somewhat unusual.  The instructor told us that for the past few years there have been at least a few men in all the classes.  Immaterial.  Not a lot to say about this first class, mostly introductions, why we chose to participate, going over the sylabus, the typical first day of almost any class.  I imagine that this weekend will give me a better taste of what to expect.  Saturday AND Sunday from 8-4.  And there's homework and that's what I'm off to do now, enough of this time wasting blogging stuff, I have 6 chapters to read.  Stay tuned for the next chapter and see if I make it through the weekend.


  1. Can't wait to hear about the weekend. Two full days of yoga, I think if you can survive that, you are good to go. Just remember your inner hulk. I did my best head stand yesterday, yea! You have inspired me. Thank you. Pat

  2. What a lovely thing to say. Surprisingly, we did not do asanas for 8 hours straight. Thank goodness.

  3. They ought to have 8 hours of asanas on the last day and only the last 4 people standing get to graduate. You would totally win.
